Depending on temperature of solutions, pressure and chemistry, the plastic welding experts at Plastek Werks, Inc. will determine what material can do the job. Acids, caustics, insecticides, pharmaceutical solutions, industrial wastewater and water storage are easily stored in plastic tanks.
Plastek Werks offers:
Custom Fabricated Tanks
- Thermoplastic Fabricated Tanks
- Depending on the application, Plastek Werks can fabricate tanks from a variety of thermoplastic materials.
- Dual Laminate Tanks
- Fiberglass Tanks
Rotationally Molded Tanks
Tanks range from 12 gallons to 50,000 gallons. Tanks can be supplied in vertical, horizontal and cone bottom with a variety of fittings. Additionally, heat traced insulated tanks are available.
- XLPE tanks
- XLPE tanks are employed where strong oxidizing acids or strong caustics are used
- LDPE tanks
- LDPE tanks are employed where lover concentrations of corrosive chemicals are used