Stormwater BMPs

Please visit our sister company, Storm Water Systems, Inc. at to read more about the products we currently offer for removing litter and debris from our natural waterways. All of our Storm Water products are manufactured in our 33,000 square foot facility and are held to the same standards as our plastic fabricated products.


Our entire portfolio of products and services are 100% adaptable for site-specific needs and conditions. Each one is strategically developed to provide practical, economic and effective solutions for our clients – whether they are municipal, commercial, industrial or residential. Some of our Storm Water products are:

Bandalong Litter Trap with HDPE Booms on the Anacostia River

Bandalong Litter Trap with HDPE Booms on the Anacostia River

Bandalong Litter Trap with HDPE Booms on the Satilla River

Bandalong Litter Trap with HDPE Booms on the Satilla River

Bandalong Litter Trap™
  • The Bandalong Litter Trap™ utilizes the natural energy of flowing water to capture and remove floating pollutants and debris from our waterways.


Bandalong Boom Systems™
  • Bandalong Boom Systems™ utilize industry leading construction materials and welding technology and provide an effective final barrier to collect and or deflect debris.
StormX™ Gross Pollutant Net Trash Trap
  • StormX™ is a full end of pipe capture system. Engineered to handle “first flush” runoff and capture gross pollutants as small as 5mm using reusable commercial netting.